Posts Tagged ‘gym’

Quest for Better Health

Personal Training at a Gym - Cable Crossover

Image via Wikipedia

“It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rival, and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he’s watching us all with the eye of the tiger…”

As the Survivor song boomed down through the speakers, I intensified my workout. The clank of the weights tapping the stack and then releasing, completed my set. I was feeling pretty good after my 15 minute weight session. Grabbing my bottle of water, I gulped down a small stream of wet heaven and proceeded to the stationary bike, to ride for 30 minutes.

A year ago I was practically flat on my back in bed, with sciatica. Today I am a regular attendee of Vision Quest gym, exercising almost daily. Since I started two weeks ago, I have worked out with weights and cardio. I hope to add some light load free weights to my routine, soon.

I credit my health to God, for directing my path to this fitness center. And with my personal trainer (Patricia) helping me, I am finding the right routine to relieve my back pain. Although it hasn’t been a total walk in the park, I like the fact that I sleep better and am not sore or in constant pain. I can really feel the difference! My chiropractor also noticed the difference during my last adjustment. He said my body wasn’t moving as much, because it didn’t need to. That was the best check up in the past year! What an exciting thing to hear!

As I look forward to throwing off much needed body mass and adding muscle, I am setting some goals for this New Year. First of all, I am going to lose 40lbs and keep it off, and secondly I am going to start running again (leisurely). It may take me the good part of the year, but I am determined to press through and make it to the finish line.

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” –Phillipians 3:14